About Us
The Sprinkle Factory Limited is a privately owned New Zealand company that makes specialist toppings and inclusions for the bakery, ice cream and confectionery trade, and for wholesalers selling into the retail sector under their own labels.
The Sprinkle Factory has been in existence for over 35 years. The business was acquired by Stuart Walker in early 2010 and has undergone significant reinvestment during that time in new factory premises coupled with major upgrades to machinery capability and capacity. The company changed hands 1st May 2021 and is now owned by Mike & Steve Briant.
Quality plus innovation is our recipe for success
Even more important than a modernised plant is our commitment to quality and new product ideas. We offer flexibility in minimum order quantities to help you bring your new creations to life.
The Sprinkle Factory has been fully HACCP certified since 2010. Our commitment to quality and service is underpinned by regular training and attention to detail by a dedicated team of confectionery technicians.
Local ingredients, world class results
A key part of our commitment to quality is working with world-leading suppliers for all our ingredients, from raw sugar to specialist colours and flavours. As a New Zealand manufacturer we are committed to using New Zealand or Australian produced raw materials wherever possible. On average 90 % of our raw materials are sourced from New Zealand and Australia.
Our Sprinkles team
Mike Briant Mr Sprinkles - Owner Director
David Hardenbol - Sprinkles Factory Manager
With over 35 years’ experience in the food and baking industry, David Hardenbol is responsible for the engine room of the business. Since joining The Sprinkle Factory as Factory Manager, he has played a major role in transforming the business. David is always looking for better ways to organise the factory and the team, and has played a key role in developing and laying out our new production facilities.
Above all else, David takes real pride in producing top quality products and making sure every order goes out on time.
The Sprinkles Team
We are extremely proud of our team at The Sprinkle Factory. As part of the company’s reinvestment in the business, well-trained and committed staff are key.
Know-how and skill are the secret ingredients in food manufacturing. With the majority of the team having several years’ experience, this really shows in the quality of the products and our commitment to HACCP principles. Staff play an active role in product development and process improvement, as we’re always looking for smarter and more efficient ways to produce our products.